Home Scholarships Scottish Rite Scholarship 

Scottish Rite Scholarship 


Financial difficulties are a common part of navigating the path to higher education, but scholarships are essential in easing this load. The Scottish Rite Scholarship is one such award that has made a lasting impression. We shall examine its eligibility requirements and application procedure in this post.

Scottish Rite Scholarship

The Scottish Rite Scholarship proudly awards numerous scholarships each year to undergraduate students in the Us. The scholarship is purely merit-based to promote and foster dedicated students on their path to success.

The scholarship is available to United States citizens and U.S. permanent residents only for study within the U.S. at accredited public or private colleges, universities, or trade schools—depending on the individual scholarship.

It is for full-time undergraduate students enrolled at an accredited college or university. Upon award, scholarships will continue for 4 years or graduation, whichever comes first, as long as the recipient maintains a cumulative grade point average is at least a B (3.0 on 4.0 GPA scale) or a 2.75 GPA.

Transcripts validating the overall GPA must be uploaded to your online portal at the end of each grading period. Failure to upload these documents will result in scholarship termination.

Scholarship awarded will be forwarded directly to the student’s college or university and are credited to his/her account

Eligibility for Scottish Rite Scholarships

Must be a United States citizens or U.S. permanent resident

Must study within the U.S. at accredited public or private colleges, universities, or trade schools that partner with the Scottish Rite scholarship.

Must Maintain an accumulative 3.0 GPA

An entering 3rd year (Junior), 4th year (Senior) or if required for degree, 5th year undergraduate

Apply Here

Scottish Rite Scholarship Application Process

To help you secure financial aid through our merit-based scholarships, we provide a thorough application process guide. 

Step 1. Create an online student profile

Go to the online application system and create a student profile. You will be asked to agree to meet eligibility requirements before creating the student profile.

Note:  Your personal information will only be used for the scholarship process.

Step 2. Meet with Director

Contact the Director from either your home or college area to schedule a time to discuss the application process and answer any questions you may have.

Step 3. Complete the application

The Director will make the online application available for you to complete.  

Step 4. Submit the application

Once completed, submit your application for evaluation and scoring by the Foundation Directors.  The deadline for submission will be released soon!

Step 5. Applications are evaluated and scored

Your Director will review the application for completeness before forwarding it to the Scoring Committee. The Scoring Committee reviews, scores, and ranks applications.

Step 6. Recipients are selected

The Foundation Board of Directors meets to officially select scholarship award recipients. 

Step 7. Recipients are notified!

All recipients will receive an official letter from The Scottish Rite notifying them of their scholarship award.

Scholarship Renewal Process

Students are eligible for scholarship renewal for the following year if minimum requirements are met.  ​

To apply for a renewal:

  1. Login into your account 

  2. Update contact information and verify your qualifications for renewal.

  3. Contact your Foundation Director to attest your eligibility and inform him that you have updated your student information.

  4. Download the Renewal Application from your student profile.

  5. Submit the Renewal Application to your Director.


*Login ID is the email address used when you applied for the scholarship.  You can recover your password at the login screen.

**Link will appear after the Director confirms your eligibility.


In conclusion, the Scottish Rite Scholarship stands as a beacon of educational empowerment within the Masonic community. Its enduring impact on individuals and the fraternity at large underscores the importance of investing in education as a means of building a brighter future.


1. Are the awards based on financial needs?

No.  The Scottish Rite Scholarship Foundation of Washington awards scholarships based on academic performance and extra-curricular activities.

2. Is the Scottish Rite Scholarship limited to Masonic members only?

No, the scholarship is open to eligible individuals regardless of Masonic affiliation.

3. How can I increase my chances of receiving the Scottish Rite Scholarship?

Focus on academic excellence, community service, and aligning with Masonic values in your application.

4. Are there specific fields of study favored by the Scottish Rite Scholarship?

The scholarship is often open to various fields of study, but specific sub-scholarships may have preferences.

5. What kind of community service is valued in the application process?

Any community service that reflects a commitment to improving the lives of others is considered valuable.