Home Scholarships AfterCollege Nursing Student Scholarship

AfterCollege Nursing Student Scholarship


Scholarships are essential for helping prospective nursing students with their academic endeavors. The AfterCollege Nursing Student Scholarship is a unique opportunity for individuals who want to work as nurses. Let\’s explore every aspect of this research, from its beginning to its significant influence on nursing education.

AfterCollege Nursing Student Scholarship

The AfterCollege Nursing Student Scholarship Fund supports students who are seeking a baccalaureate, master’s, or doctoral degree in nursing. Special consideration will be given to students in a graduate program with the goal of becoming a nurse educator; students completing an RN-to-BSN or RN-to-MSN program; and those enrolled in an accelerated program.

One scholarship in the amount of $2,500 will be awarded each quarter.

Eligibility Criteria

The Scholarship Program is sponsored by AfterCollege, Inc., unless otherwise indicated on the page of the Scholarship Program (such sponsor, the “Sponsor”) and is open to any applicant who:

• is eighteen (18) years of age or older, or has submitted an executed Parental/Legal Guardian Consent and Release form, and
• is a registered member of aftercollege.com, and
• is a legal resident of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia, and completes

(i) a scholarship application online at http://www.aftercollege.com/content/scholarships/ (the “Application”) and

(ii) an AfterCollege profile a thttps://www.aftercollege.com/account/profile/edit (your “Profile”), as each such page address may be updated from time to time.

Applicants must be enrolled by the deadline noted in the Specific Scholarship Rules (the “Deadline”) in an accredited post-secondary institution of higher learning (college, university or trade school) within the United States. Current employees, officers, directors and agents of Sponsor and its related companies and members of their immediate families (defined as spouse, parents, siblings and children) and persons residing at the same address are not eligible to win. Void where prohibited.

How to apply

1. Read these instructions all the way through, then click the blue \”Apply\” button.

2. A pop-up will prompt you to upload or create a resume.

* If you have a resume, go ahead and upload it! Then, go to step 3 and fill out the rest of your AfterCollege profile.

* If you don\’t have a resume yet:

  1. Click the \”Create one from your profile\” link below the “Upload Resume” button.
  2. Click the “Edit profile to update this resume” link above the resume box.
  3. Complete your AfterCollege profile step-by-step in the pop-up window and then hit “Submit Resume” to apply. You can further edit your profile up until the scholarship deadline by clicking the “My Profile” link in the upper right corner of any page on AfterCollege.

3. Complete your AfterCollege profile

The information you provide in your AfterCollege profile is used as criteria to select the scholarship recipient. All profile content may be considered, but we\’re primarily looking for a succinct, but impactful, resume-style personal statement that describes who you are and the value that you bring in an academic and/or professional context.

Apply Here


In conclusion, the AfterCollege Nursing Student Scholarship stands as a beacon of support for aspiring nursing professionals. By addressing the financial challenges of education, fostering diversity, and contributing to the growth of the healthcare workforce, this scholarship is a testament to AfterCollege\’s commitment to shaping a brighter future for the nursing profession.


1. Is the AfterCollege Nursing Student Scholarship open to all nursing students?

Yes, the scholarship is open to nursing students enrolled in accredited programs.

2. What sets AfterCollege\’s scholarship apart from others?

AfterCollege\’s scholarship stands out for its commitment to supporting healthcare professionals and fostering diversity.

3. How can I increase my chances of winning the scholarship?

Follow our tips for a compelling application and craft a strong personal statement to enhance your chances.

4. Are there other initiatives by AfterCollege to support nursing education?

Yes, AfterCollege is involved in various initiatives beyond scholarships to support nursing education.

5. Can past scholarship recipients apply again?

While past recipients may have benefited, the scholarship is typically a one-time award.