Home education Why You Should Study at UNISA 2024/2025

Why You Should Study at UNISA 2024/2025


Why You Should Study at UNISA 2024/2025

The University of South Africa, commonly referred to as Unisa, is a distinguished, inclusive, adaptable, and easily accessible open distance learning institution that inspires the next generation. Unisa provides internationally accredited qualifications and boasts world-class resources.

In addition to offering top-notch resources and study opportunities to nearly 400,000 students from South Africa, Africa, and various parts of the world, Unisa also offers numerous support services to assist you on your educational journey.


How to apply to UNISA 2024/2025

To complete an application for admission, follow the instructions outlined below:

STEP 1: Ensure a stable internet connection and navigate to the University of South Africa Online Application Portal. Note that you must apply for admission for a new qualification. If offered a space, acceptance within the prescribed period is required before registration.

STEP 2: The Selection Page:

  • To apply for admission to an Undergraduate/Honours or a Master’s/Doctoral qualification, select the corresponding option.
  • If you\’ve already applied and wish to upload documents or pay for the Unisa application, use the same portal.
  • Track your application status, accept admission offers, or appeal decisions on declined admissions.

Focus on one task at a time to ensure effective problem-solving.

STEP 3: Student Number Page:

  • Indicate whether you already have a student number.
    • If YES, proceed to apply using your University of South Africa student number/application reference number.
    • If NO, as a first-time applicant, provide your surname, first name(s), and date of birth.

For those who forgot their student number, click HERE.

Confirmation of Qualifications Selected:

  • Select your preferred qualification and verify that you meet admission requirements.
  • Confirm your choice and proceed by clicking \’continue.\’

Particulars of Completed Studies at University of South Africa:

  • Upload required files on this page.

Completing these steps signifies progress in your application process. Continue to follow instructions for a successful outcome.