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Various DayLife Jobs


Originally a mobile game, the Square Enix-published daily life RPG, Various Daylife, has made its way onto console and PC. In the game, you must explore Erebia and establish your life after moving there. The new location offers opportunities for you to explore, fight monsters, and meet people. However, you must complete work around the town to pull your weight and make a living. In this article, we will explore the jobs in Various DayLife

Various DayLife Jobs

Various DayLife  isn’t like other RPGs – you won’t get stronger by battling enemies. To build your stats, you need to go to work!

The work you undertake defines how your character will grow: for example, tasks that involve physical labor will increase your strength, while those that challenge you mentally will add to your magic power. There’s an enormous number of things to do in the game, with over 20 job classes and more than 100 types of work for those jobs to perform. You will be able to experience secretary work, waiting tables, dancing and more. Heres a list of the top jobs in Varoius Daylife.


Just like real life, food is essential in Various Daylife. Eating food allows your teammates to maintain a high max-health, which is constantly decreasing over long expeditions. To do this, you’ll have to rely on the skills of either the cook, the herbalist, or the hunter.

Though the Cook is the first job you’ll acquire, it generally outclasses the Herbalist due to its main ability, Cook Food, which does just that. The hunter, though, pairs perfectly with a Cook as the Hunter’s main ability is, get this, Find Food. A match made in heaven.


A necessity for the late-game, the Lutist’s breakthrough allows team members to pass the damage and healing ceiling of 999. Although this may seem unneeded to new players, rest assured that without this skill, your characters will easily be overcome by the super-powered monsters that appear in later expeditions. The Lutist’s Breakthrough pairs well with the Politician’s Codify, allowing the buff to last to the end of a battle and once this is in place, feel free to use Go, My Darling to switch to a high-damage teammate.


A politician’s strength emerges when they are endangered, or at least that’s the Politician class’s passive ability in Various Daylife. Maybe one of the most unique classes in an RPG, the Politician is best used in the late game when battles last twenty-plus turns and buffs are a big deal. The Politician’s Codify allows for all current buffs (and debuffs) to be frozen in place, meaning the Secretary’s magic-doubling Focus skill can remain for the rest of the battle. The Lutist, Executioner, Dancer and Warrior classes all benefit greatly from this skill. It’s a shame that the rest of the Politician’s kit isn’t so useful, consisting of two niche spells and a damage spell that may daze.


The Merchant is a tricky class to make use of. They rely on spending gold for their attacks and need the Lutist’s Breakthrough ability to make full use of their kit. The Merchant’s Venture Capital skill immediately hits the 999 damage ceiling and if you cast Inflation with Breakthrough active, that doubles. They’re truly a video game merchant you shouldn’t mess with and are one of the most powerful classes in the game. That said, the \\merchant is best used during high-level, late-game expeditions; otherwise, you’ll find yourself wasting your gold.


The Secretary job is the starting job of your friend and teammate, Gilda. As one of the first available, it’s surprisingly straightforward and is the equivalent of a mage in Dragon Quest. Able to learn the elements spells Fire Magic and Thunder Magic, the Secretary’s early-game strength lies in their ability to use Examine to reveal enemy vulnerabilities and then use their magic to exploit them. This job is valuable even into the late-game when you consider their magic-doubling Focus skill and their critical chance passive.


A Courier can carry more items, that makes sense, doesn’t it? Unsurprisingly, a Courier pairs well with a Merchant, who can make use of the extra items without depleting any stock by use of their Economy skill.

The Courier has its own economical skill, Steal, which shouldn’t be overlooked. The Steal skill, of course, steals an item from the enemy, but try using it on a boss monster and you’ll be pleasantly surprised as some exceedingly rare items can be pilfered.


The late-game equivalent of the Herbalist and the Servite classes, the Cleric class is the best healing class in the game. As all JRPG fans know, a healer is key to success once the monsters can one or two hit your team members, and in Various Daylife it’s no different. Clerics are equipped with all the trimmings: a large heal, a revive spell, and a status cleanser. Their main ability is being unable to become enraged or braced and the Cleric pairs well with the Scholar class, which allows for a balance between healing and damage dealing.


Is a Scholar the heightened version of a Secretary? It is in Various Daylife. Unlike the Secretary class who must use their Examine skill to reveal enemy details, the Scholar’s passive skill reveals it automatically.

Offensively, the Scholar class’ Greater Thunder Magic is useful for zapping enemies and preventing their attacks, something that is invaluable in the late-game when any single attack could take out a team member. And if you’re interested in performing chain attacks, their Greater Wind Magic will help you do just that.

How To Unlock More Work

You\’ll only have access to Warrior work when you start the game, but you may want a different Job. Once you interact with a character and unlock their Job, you\’ll get a related work assignment the following week. If you do that work, you\’ll unlock more opportunities for that Class. For example, you can only serve tables when you start as a Bartender, but you can unlock the waitlist and other options as you focus on that Job.

You\’ll know when you unlock a new assignment since you\’ll get a cutscene. For example, after you complete work associated with a Secretary, you\’ll get a scene where Gilda does another assignment.

The Benefits Of Work

Like in real life, work offers some benefits when you put in the effort. You\’ll enjoy multiple pros as you tackle assignments, such as making money, gaining experience, and learning new skills. It\’ll take time to do correctly, but you\’ll see your character grow as you stick with it.

Making Money

Getting money remains a crucial benefit of working. You need plenty of money to level up your party members, buy items, and perform different tasks. For example, you can\’t spend time with a friend unless you pay for the activity. Each time you complete an assignment, you\’ll get a couple of thousand gold for your efforts.

You can make more than enough money quickly by working. Since you can skip the cutscene each time you work on an assignment, you can have more than enough money to get new equipment within a few minutes.

Gaining Level Experience

No matter your work, you\’ll gain experience that counts towards your level. As you keep doing the assignments and tackling them, you\’ll see the experience meter increase. Once it reaches the end, you\’ll get a level-up. Level-ups keep things straightforward by increasing all your stats by a few points.

Gaining Stat Experience

While most RPGs have level experience, you can also increase your stat levels. Each assignment will have stat experience it gives you to make you stronger. If you do work associated with a Warrior, it\’ll increase your HP, Strength, Constitution, and similar stats. As you keep working on them, you\’ll eventually level up the stat and get a substantial boost in it.

For example, getting your Strength to level two could increase the stat by about 20 points. You should also note that some assignments will lower your experience in specific stats. The higher level Warrior assignments may decrease your Wisdom and Intelligence experience, but it\’ll boost your other stats in exchange.

Since you\’ll naturally increase all your stats through levels, you should focus your work on the areas you care about. If you plan to focus on Strength since you plan to be a Warrior, you won\’t have to worry about your Wisdom decreasing since it\’ll naturally increase as you level up.

Learning New Skills

You can develop new skills as you work on specific assignments. Since each work opportunity has a Job associated with it, you\’ll unlock new abilities as you perform assignments related to the Class. If you keep doing Secretary work, you\’ll unlock \’Examine\’ as a skill. You can keep at it to unlock more abilities to use in combat and make expeditions easier.


Work remains a crucial part of your time in town, so you\’ll have to try different assignments and enjoy the benefits. You\’ll make money and enjoy benefits if you work hard and pace yourself. Since work is a crucial part of Various Daylife, you should perform it regularly, become stronger, and make money.


1.  How do you unlock jobs in various daylife?
You could be a Warrior, a Secretary, and so on. To unlock them, you must spend time with the person of that Class.
2. How do you increase mood in various daylife?
You can restore your Stamina and Mood by resting in your home. However, if you rest, you\’ll reset your experience bonus from chaining work. If you don\’t want to reset this bonus, you can improve your Mood or Stamina by spending time with your party members, visiting the Public Bath, and performing other activities
3. How many jobs are in strangers of paradise?
There are a total of 28 Job Classes to unlock in Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin, all of which have been broken up into one of three different categories: Basic Jobs, Advanced Jobs, and Expert Jobs.