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How Will I Know that I’m Accepted as A Student at EWC College? -1


How Will I Know that I’m Accepted as A Student at EWC College?

There are various methods to verify your acceptance status at Ekurhuleni West College, and they are outlined below:

  • Confirmation through a direct email sent by the school
  • Accessing the student portal
  • Receiving an SMS notification
  • Contacting College officials directly
  • Utilizing the application status portal

While many colleges typically employ only one of these communication channels, Ekurhuleni West College  offers at least two ways to inform accepted students.

EWC College Status Check

You can monitor the application status at Ekurhuleni West College (EWC) by directly reaching out to college officials or checking the iEnabler page. Here are Ekurhuleni West College quick links and important contact numbers:

  • National Anti-corruption Forum: 0800 701 701
  • DHET Hotline: 0800 202 933
  • General Enquiries: 066 015 5646 / 063 653 9515
  • Additional Information: EWC Enquiry form

(Note: For online applications, please use the provided link below or find it in the menu on the left side of the page.)

All enquiries should be directed to the contact information provided above.